Sep 25, 2019
Lifelong gamers might like to reminisce about video game consoles past, but just by the numbers, system that got the most play back in the ’90s was the Game Boy. It outsold every console in its day, which means that a lot of players would have played famous video game franchises on the Game Boy before they played it...
Sep 18, 2019
If I made the things you know to suddenly seem different, would that be good? Think about that while you listen to this episode of celebrated 16 bit-era VGM made to sound weird, dark and maybe a little drunk. I promise this will not become a habit. Track listing: 0:10: Revenge of the Kraken / Singing Mountain 4:58:...
Sep 5, 2019
Released in 2009 for the Nintendo DS, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light is the game that ultimately ended up leading to Bravely Default in 2012. And while Bravely Default improved upon the core mechanics in almost every way, there’s a certain charm to 4 Heroes of Light — and that includes a soundtrack by Naoshi...