Jan 29, 2018
Hey, do you need to listen to some low-key, ambient video game music? Half a lifetime ago, your host was a college freshman sorely in need of both video games and downtime, and he made a mix to get him through his workload. Today, this playlist has been revived for your benefit, podcast listeners, and you can now enjoy...
Jan 20, 2018
In this short episode, I talk about how Terra's theme is reused throughout the first half of Final Fantasy VI, and how that might trick players into thinking she's the main character and that there's not a surprising (and depressing) second half to this 1994 RPG masterpiece. This plus all due praise for Nobuo...
Jan 9, 2018
"No, there atcually *are* some kickass saxaphones in video game music," Drew said, responding to no one. Yes, this is an unabashed appreciation of saxophones and their digital reproductions as they've been used in video games, all because I wanted to include Edea's theme from Bravely Default in an episode and ended...