Oct 25, 2022
And here, in the spirit of the season, is the second of the two “lost” Patreon episodes. Unfortunately, while I was able to find the file, I was not able to find the description or tracklist, so this one will have to be a bit of a mystery. I can tell you this much: It is definitely a Halloween episode. It is two and...
Oct 14, 2022
Way back in the distant past, there existed a Singing Mountain Patreon, where I managed to toss up four Patreon-exclusive tracks. Then, I closed the Patreon, thinking the content would still be accessible. It wasn’! Horror of horrors! However, as time passed, I realized that I’d actually downloaded these episodes...
Dec 30, 2021
I know I said in the previous episode that there would not be another Singing Mountain winter VGM episode. I lied. This episode — a two-hour, ”all music, no talk” collection of 16-bit winter VGM — originally went live December 21, 2020 on the Singing Mountain Patreon. It has not been available since I took down...
Dec 21, 2021
Given that Christmas is upon us, you might be expecting a 2021 edition of Singing Mountain’s ice music episode. Unfortunately, it turns out I used all the tracks I collected in last year’s winter episode and so I decided to lean in a different direction. This is the third in a different series I’ve been calling...
Oct 24, 2021
Here it is: my last effort at celebrating the spooky season with VGM. I don’t have much to say other than that that this is a mix of new stuff and stuff I’ve played on previous episodes. I couldn’t think of a better way to say goodbye to Halloween episodes.
Previous Halloween episodes: